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Honor Societies

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Golden Key International Honour Society

President: September 2022-May 2023
Secretary: September 2021-May 2022

This invitation-only organization has chapters open in colleges and universities around the world. At Fisher College, it is open to students who perform in the top 15% academically. During my first year in this society, I was elected as Secretary and kept meeting minutes, moderated communication between the advisor and the other members, and kept track of the list of members. During my second year, I took up the President position and worked directly with the advisor to brainstorm group activities, community service projects, and on-campus events. 

National Society of Leadership and Success

Member: January 2021-Present

The NSLS currently has more than 700 chapters at colleges all over the country. In this organization, I attended virtual nationwide speaker events, participated in group seminars about various leadership characteristics, and completed the program's interactive video leadership training module.

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